WOD For October 07

Warm-up ()


2 Rounds

10 Air Wall Squats

30 Sec Down Dog/Cobra

10 PVC Passthrough

2 Rounds

10 Beat Swing

6 EB hang Clean

6 EB Front Squat

6 EB BTN Strict Press

Squat Clean Complex (Weight)

1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Jerk


Candy Shoppe (Time)


8 Pull Up
40 Double Unders
10/8 Cal Bike
12 S2O(115/80)

Rest 2 Min b/w Rounds

Rx+: C2B,135/95
L2: Jumping/banded pull up, 95/65
L1: Ring Row, 45/35


  • " Most people say you have the most success when you're having fun. The sport of Cross fit can be presented in many ways however: my experience at the Cabin has been rewarding, successful, and most impo... "

    Tim Lock

  • " The clients and the staff made me feel very comfortable and welcome. Super helpful. That alone will keep me coming back. #nottomentiontheresults... "

    Jennifer Cameron

  • " I have worked out for years and found I was loosing interest, it became a routine more then something I truly enjoyed. After my free session at Cabin my love for training was refreshed, the hard work ... "

    Trevor Howard

  • " Amazing and very welcoming atmosphere. Great family is a great gym and to me, Cabin CrossFit is great because of the people that are in the box and of course, great trainers that care & watch and corr... "

    Vick Aggarwal